Walking Home from Work

Ok let’s face; I did not walk from Manhattan to Connecticut, I took the train and drove my car.  But normally I take the subway from 17th Union Square to Grand Central.  Tonight I walked instead.  I forgot how much I enjoy walking and taking pictures in Madison Square Park.

Entering the park:

New York City 001

An electrifying sculpture:

New York City 004

The Shake Shack:

New York City 010

A favorite building:

New York City 016

Grand Central Station:

New York City 022New York City 025

Stamford, a storm drain in an interesting light:

Drain at night

Links for 10/24/2012

Review of Microsoft’s Surface RT:

Filling in PDF Forms with ASP.NET and iTextSharp

Privacy Policy – Terms of Service Generator

Mashes, minifies, and validates your javascript, stylesheet, and dotless files. Chirpy can also auto-update T4MVC and other T4 templates.

WiX Toolset
The most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience.
WiX is short for “Windows Installer XML”. WiX Version 3.6 has one of the more interesting installers I have ever seen. The big button in the middle of the setup screen begins the installation process. The cog on the middle button is smoothly animated (rotating) during installation, and the button doubles as a progress indicator.  I think the WiX team is using the installer to show off what you can do with WiX.

Programming Links for 10/22/2012

TypeScript tutorial: http://www.typescriptlang.org/tutorial/

GitHub for Windows: http://windows.github.com/

EPPlus: Create advanced Excel 2007/2010 spreadsheets on the server: http://epplus.codeplex.com/

Creating Reports in Excel 2007 using EPPlus (Header, Footer, Comments, Image, Formatting, Shape and Formula): http://zeeshanumardotnet.blogspot.com/2011/06/creating-reports-in-excel-2007-using.html

EPPlus has some minor bugs but is very useful. If you need to work with Excel workbooks and don’t mind being restricted to working to only XLSX files then I highly recommend it.

BlogEngine updated to 2.6

After a long hiatus, BlogEngine.NET has been updated to 2.6, and Codenexus has been moved to a new hosting provider, Winhost.com.  I hope to to make more updates to codenexus.com in the coming months.