Here are the latest denizens around my house:
Portucula “Salmon Glow”
In past years the hanger gets decimated in the summer if I don’t water it every day. As a change this is a succulent, perhaps it will do better if left unattended for a few days. Perennial.

Orange Symphony
Planters in the back. (annuals)

Accompanied by dichondra:

Black and Blue Salvia
More perennials in the front planters. These are accompanied by sweet potato vines. This salvia has already taken a bit of a beating from the squirrels digging up the planters, hopefully it will rebound.

Dressing the Hydrangea
The hydrangea planted a few years ago is doing very well… so well that the grass around it is having a hard time. So I’m trying to surround it by something. Let’s see how these annuals make out.

Three galium odoratum along the front:

Two blue star creepers along the side:

Filling in the Front
Some of the annuals I planted last year didn’t survive. Here are the replacements.
Lily Asiatic “Early Joy”
This hasn’t started blooming yet.


Bachelor’s Button
Again no blooms in this picture, but an interesting flower.

Meadow Sage

Something Wild
These were growing wild in the back and on a neighbor’s yard. Any idea what this is called?

Ok let’s face; I did not walk from Manhattan to Connecticut, I took the train and drove my car. But normally I take the subway from 17th Union Square to Grand Central. Tonight I walked instead. I forgot how much I enjoy walking and taking pictures in Madison Square Park.
Entering the park:

An electrifying sculpture:

The Shake Shack:

A favorite building:

Grand Central Station:

Stamford, a storm drain in an interesting light:

The sculptures constructed from steel beams has been removed, and a new installation has been put in it's place. Here are some pictures of the two 'tower walls' finished in the last week or so.

15. November 2004

This is a picture I took in the late 1980s or early 1990s of a church steeple, probably in Bethel, Connecticut.
These pictures came out a bit darker than I originally expected (or planned). On this morning, I took the 6:53 from East Norwalk. The pictures in the park were taken about 8:10.

28. April 2004

This is my favorite part of my morning commute; walking through Madison Square Park. It's getting nicer now that it is warming up, and this was a beautiful morning.