Links for March 19, 2009 19. March 2009 skyhopper .NET , Programming , MVC , WPF , Javascript Comments (0) Community Platinum Bay Blog (Steve Andrews) Steve Souders - High Performance Web Sites Leaning Into Windows (Kathleen Dollard's blog) If broken it is, fix it you should (Tess Ferrandez blog) INETA North America CTDOTNET Community Credit T4 Oleg Sych - » T4: Text Template Transformation Toolkit T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) Code Generation - Best Kept Visual Studio Secret T4 Toolbox - Home Entity Framework ADO.NET Entity Framework - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Why use the Entity Framework? Yeah, why exactly? - Frans Bouma's blog Entity Framework Petition - Leaning Into Windows ASP.NET MVC NerdDinner WPF Tim Sneath : Announcing Family.Show v3 – Our WPF Reference Application Dependency Injection Ninject: Lightning-fast dependency injection for .NET jQuery Warn before navigating away using jQuery Web Browsers Calling Time on IE6 Mike Nash Talks IE8 and Windows 7! Getting the Skinny DotNet Developers Search - Knowledge Base Alerts Books & Magazines patterns & practices: App Arch Guide 2.0 Knowledge Base - Home patterns & practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0 (The Book) - Home Microsoft Visual Studio Tips (Paperback) by Sara Ford slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations (Paperback) :: CoDe Magazine :: Stuff Snorg Tees - New Funny T-Shirts Every Week (Vintage T-Shirt, Cool Graphic Tee Shirts) – Woot : One Day, One Deal (SM)